The assessment process will take between 2 and 6 hours based on the size and structure of your business.
The report and recommendations will take a further 10 to 14 days to create.
But so far Partners I’ve worked with have chosen to run the assessment a few times over the financial year to track progress and define their goals for the next period.
It’s a common request. Additional costs will apply based on your location, timing and other factors.
My team can generate a custom quotation for you on that basis.
We’ve created a tiered pricing solution to suit your business.
The above pricing is based on current turnover of your business.
If you required a customer quotation, let us know.
Upon confirmation, we’ll set up a briefing session via Teams.
You’ll get a insight into the process and a structure to prepare for the next engagement.
We’ll complete the assessment together, aftewhich I’ll analyse the data and provide you with a report on the current state of your business and recommendations on what to focus on next.
The report is generated in the form of a PowerPoint presentation.
It’s the best format for review, presentation and general discussion within your team.